Distinctive Unit Insignia

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches (2.86 cm) in height overall consisting of a gold triangle with fourteen rays, in base a green circle with center bar between a red triangle and a black inverted triangle, area between circle and above scroll ribbed gold, all above a green scroll with black lining, inscribed in gold letters, "WE GIVE OUR BEST."

The circle with a horizontal center bar signifies "stop do not enter" in international traffic lore, and is used here to allude to the unit's mission to protect life and property.  The chevron shape represents authority (area above red triangle and behind upper half of green circle).  The color red is used to symbolize courage and awareness and black to typify prudence and wisdom.  Black is also used here as a symbol of the Black Forest of Germany, the country in which the unit was activated.  The fourteen sun rays allude to leadership, and further distinguishes the numerical designation of the organization.

The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 14th Military Police Group on 14 August 1968.  It was redesignated for the 14th Military Police Brigade on 2 June 1986.

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