A silver color metal and enamel device 1 inch (2.54 cm) in height overall consisting of a blue moline cross fimbriated silver charged with a silver mullet. Suspended from the horizontal arms a silver flowing scroll with the motto FULGE in blue letters.
The crusaders cross indicating leadership symbolizes the functions of the organization. The numerical designation is represented by the Moline form of the cross, the heraldic symbol of the eighth son, the silver mullet being representative of the third son. The motto translates to Shine Forth.
The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the Headquarters and Military Police Company, 83d Division on 8 December 1942. It was redesignated for the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 83d Infantry Division on 14 November 1951. It was redesignated for the noncolor bearing units of the 83d Infantry Division (RTU) on 2 February 1966. The insignia was redesignated for the 83 US Army Reserve Command on 15 January 1970. It was redesignated effective 27 November 2013, for the 83d US Army Reserve Readiness Training Center and amended to update the description.