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On a disc Azure, between four mullets, one and one in dexter side and one and one in sinister side, a stylized satellite Or, charged with a roundel Tenn, emitting five flashes Argent, all within a narrow bordure Yellow.

Attached below the disc, a Blue scroll edged with a narrow Yellow border and inscribed "224 JCSS" in Yellow letters.


Ultramarine blue and Air Force yellow are the Air Force colors.  Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations.  Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel.  The orange satellite center represents the worldwide communication support mission of the Squadron.  The five lightning flashes of the larger star symbolize the rapid deployment of communications equipment with purity and discretion in support of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Governor of the State of Georgia.  The smaller four stars represent the unit's ambitious and enduring support of the four branches of the armored services.  The number of smaller stars on each side-two and two-and the total number of stars-four, renders the numerical designation of the Squadron.

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