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Distinctive Trimming

Distinctive Trimming

A black leather strap 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) wide with buff leather strap 1/4 inch (.64 cm) wide woven in the middle a simulation of the old buff and black knapsack strap.  To be worn on left shoulder only of coat and overcoat at the junction of the sleeve and shoulder with two buff sections showing in front).

When this unit was under the command of General Anthony Wayne (1792-96), the special markings on the uniform were buff piping and black hair plumes.  From this combination the regimental colors became buff and black, and for many years the unit was nicknamed the Buff Sticks.  It is related that men of the 3d Infantry, proud of their distinctive colors, at one time displayed these colors by weaving a broad strip of rawhide (natural buff color) in the broad black shoulder strap of the knapsack carried at that time.  This buff and black knapsack strap effect is perpetuated in the distinctive trimming.

The distinctive trimming was approved on 15 April 1922.

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