On a shield Purpure, an annulet Azure, charged with a terrestrial globe Tenné, land masses of the second, emitting five lightning bolts as a mullet Argent (Silver Gray) garnished Sable, upon a field of the first encompassed by a designation band of the fourth, inscribed at the top JOINT COMMUNICATIONS and at the bottom SUPPORT ELEMENT (AIRBORNE) and edged with a border of the fifth.
The Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE) is represented by a shield that depicts strength and protection. The background color is purple due to the blend of the colors of all the services. The silver outline represents the JCSE sterling accomplishments. The center is a terrestrial globe signifying the global mission in supporting joint forces. The center colors are orange and blue to represent the Army Signal Corps and the Air Force communications members that originally made up the unit. The blue ring around the globe symbolizes the global mission to support joint forces. The blue ring around the globe represents the JCSE global airborne mission. The top four lightning bolts represent the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and the Air Force with the bottom bolt depicting JCSE providing agile, assured voice data and video services in the theater of war or disaster relief.