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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a shield quartered yellow and black and edged with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border a yellow lion head couped outlined and detailed purple.  The overall dimensions are 3 3/4 inches (9.53 cm) in height by 3 3/32 inches (7.86 cm) in width. 

The school colors, purple and gold, are combined in the design with the colors of the ROTC Cadet Command flag, black and yellow.  The lion is the school's mascot.

A shoulder sleeve insignia was originally authorized for Florence State University 1 March 1974.  It was amended for the University of North Alabama on 16 December 1982, and then revised on 28 June 1995. The original design was cancelled and the current design authorized 2 October 1995.  (TIOH Drawing Number A-10S-120)

Shoulder Loop Insignia

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 3/32 inches (2.78 cm) in height overall consisting of a purple enamel shield on which is a gold color metal lion's head grasping in its open mouth the inner disc from the seal of the university in gold color metal.  Attached below the shield an arced purple enamel scroll inscribed "UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA" in gold color metal letters, the area between shield and scroll pierced.

 A shoulder loop insignia was originally authorized for Florence State University 1 March 1974.  It was amended to change the designation to University of North Alabama on 21 January 1976.  Then amended to change the designation to North Alabama on 14 December 1979, and then amended on 22 April 1980 to reinstate the designation "University of North Alabama."

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